Monthly Archives: December 2011

Change your behavior, Change your brain: Part 3

Our brains and other organs are pattern recognizers! What we experience through our five senses is compared to existing memories and patterns wired into our brain. Familiar experiences are recognized and unfamiliar ones are discarded. We can expand our ability to take in the world by continuously exposing ourselves to new experiences. Change your filter by expanding your experiences!

Change your behavior, Change your brain: Part 2

Most of us know the saying about seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Did you know that our brains are giant filters? These filters are unique to us and are defined by the wiring paths we create through our thoughts and feelings as well as by our life experiences. This means that each of us see the world through our own “particular shade” of rose colored glasses! Make your shade one that makes you happy!

Change your behavior, change your brain: Part 1

TIP: Did you know that your brain wiring is elastic and can change all your life? Tasks that you practice create new wiring paths in your brain. Repetitive feelings also create new wiring paths. So create some healthy wiring paths by practicing feeling good!

What Does My HRV Tell Me (in Simple Terms)?

HRV is a “view” into what your nervous system is doing. There are two branches of the nervous system that work together to stay balanced. When you are stressed, one branch of your nervous system, the “fight or flight” branch, becomes very active. When this happens, HRV goes down and represents imbalance between the two branches. When the stressful situation passes, HRV goes up as the nervous system returns to normal.

High HRV is a sign of calm and low HRV is a sign of stress. The good news is that there are many simple solutions, such as deep breathing, that helps restore calm and increase HRV.

To find out more on how to monitor your HRV and how this can help you reduce stress and improve your overall health, please visit