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DailyBeat HRV
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SweetBeat HRV
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HeartMathHeartMath – HeartMath was  founded by Doc Childre in 1991 out of a deep care for people and the planet, and a desire to develop effective and scalable methods and technologies to help people self-regulate emotions and behaviors. They are dedicated to improving health, performance and well-being at home and in the workplace and provide products and services that enable people to transform stress, better regulate emotional responses and harness the power of heart/brain communication. HeartMath’s patented emWave technologies represent a breakthrough in personal feedback and stress reduction technology. emWave products measure heart rate variability, the study of flexibility in the human system. As breathing, heart, and brain are in synch, mental clarity and productivity are enhanced. The emWave technologies provide real time, immediate feedback and inspire users to make behavior and lifestyle changesThe emWave technology gives the user the power to sustain these changes.