Thanks to the popularity of our new partnership with Restwise, we have the pleasure of extending a limited time, 15% OFF discount for the intelligent recovery system! Right now you can sign up for a free trial of Restwise and receive 15% OFF when your first month ends! This offer has been extended for one more week, so act fast!
To try Restwise free for 30 days, subscribe to one of the plans on their website using your Paypal account, a credit card, or debit card. After the free 30 days, automatic payments will start and continue until you cancel the subscription, which you can do at any time from your PayPal account or by emailing (If you cancel during the first 30 days, you will not be charged.) Sign up for a free trial now and receive 15% off when the trial expires. See prices on the Restwise plan page.

If you have a RestWise account and SweetBeat/SweetBeatLife, please follow these instructions to authorize the export:
1) Login to your account on our website.
2) Scroll down until you see the RestWise banner.
3) Enter your RestWise account information and click “connect”.
IMPORTANT: When you run a session on SweetBeat or SweetBeatLife, it is important that you save the session with the pre-existing tag “HRV”. This ensures that your heart rate and heart rate variability numbers export to RestWise.