Change your behavior, Change your brain: Part 2

Most of us know the saying about seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Did you know that our brains are giant filters? These filters are unique to us and are defined by the wiring paths we create through our thoughts and feelings as well as by our life experiences. This means that each of us see the world through our own “particular shade” of rose colored glasses! Make your shade one that makes you happy!

3 thoughts on “Change your behavior, Change your brain: Part 2

    1. Lazaard

      Hey. I’m actually agniurg the fact that it would be better to evolve into your own rather than change yourself . I think human beings have an incredible capacity to renew themselves , grow and become better so ultimately in any kind of relationship, what should be encouraged is for the person you love to feel accepted & supported, yes but also you should want to be a source of inspiration and motivation, as they should be for you. This will without any doubt, encourage both you and your partner to be the best that they can be and since we can always be better than we presently are, evolving is the changing, evolving while remaining true to who you are. This subject is to be understood in a wide general sense not just in the context of a romantic relationship, its mostly an ideal for each individual to strive for. Hope this answers your questions and as always don’t hesitate to give me your input, its very much appreciated. Let me know if you have more question.

  1. Nisha

    Wow I just had a really long, in-depth reply, but it all got eetdled because I submitted it without putting in my email. Well, the long and short of it was this:6 months ago I started meditating daily. These meditations would consist of relaxation, then positive affirmations (ie suggesting to the brain things you’d like to become as if they already had happened).Today, all those affirmations have either happened or are happening.


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