Author Archives: sweetwaterhrv

My Sugar Rehab: Day 89, Adrenal Fatigue – Guest Blog by the Swiss Nutritioneer

It’s time for an update on my adventure to my optimal self and the fight against my sugar addiction. It is now day 89 without me having a relapse. Yay!

Usually, I can eat a meal, get up from the table without having any desert and still feel happy and satisfied. This is huge. Risky for me are now only days when I eat too much fruit or wait too long with preparing my next meal. Then grasping a “healthy bar” (too much sugar) or a piece of cheese (personal sensitivity: can trigger cold sores) is still very tempting.

Otherwise I eat gluten free without any regrets (when I eat gluten, it can cause depression or self-doubt within 2 days) and I don’t buy anything that comes with an ingredient list.

All is well that ends well? Unfortunately not.

My own heart measurement (SweetBeat App, 60Beats chest strap) has shown that my HRV (heart rate variability) and HF / LF (high frequency, low frequency) values ​​are less than optimal. Both are measured to determine

  • the personal stress tolerance,
  • the biological (real) age,
  • the vital reserves,
  • the physical and mental fitness,
  • the recovery and regeneration capability,
  • and the respiratory function.

On the contrary, my values are ​​by far the worst that I have ever measured on a test subject. Oops, that was a shock, and my active cycling comeback scheduled for this spring had to be cancelled. My journey to my optimal self is thus far from over.

Well, my dear heart was always my weak point. What to do next was the big question. Being professionally involved with health solutions proves to be very helpful at such occasion. I used my Swiss Nutritioneer analysis system, as described in my online practice. The findings were as follows:

– Adrenal fatigue in the 2nd stage (caused by chronic stressors)
– Resulting catabolic dominance in the body
– Assumed compensation by adrenaline
– Chronic adrenaline acts like “poison” for my heart

The real headache was to identify my main stressors. After a meeting with myself that included a sheet of paper, a pen, a quiet place in the sun and the willingness to question everything, I was able to determine these factors quite clearly. There are two emotional stressors in my current life that cause enormous, chronic stress (multiple simultaneous projects with their organizational and financial requirements). By the way, the three main causes of chronic stress are listed here, if you need help to identify yours.

As a result, I created the following, optimal program for me:

  1. Nutrition
    Self-experiment applying Dr. Terry Wahl’s diet protocols. (Watch her TED Talk: Defeat multiple sclerosis and other diseases with healthy food! 17 min.)
  2. Remove emotional stressors
    – Change my attitude towards these ongoing projects (book recommendation Eckhard Tolle, The Power Of Now.) I plan to write an additional blog post about what worked for me to stay in the moment instead of worrying about future events or regret things happened in the past)
    – Breathing exercises using the Inner Balance App and the necessary ear sensor.
    – Freeze frame technique (book recommendation The Heartmath Solution)
    – Laugh! There is hardly a more powerful weapon against chronic stress than laughter. One Chuck TV episode in the evening works very well for me. You’ll have to find out what works best for you.
  3. Movement
    – Explosive, super short one rep max strength exercises of the strongest muscle groups in the body (chest press, leg press, shoulder pulls, calf raises), which trigger an anabolic hormone response.
    – HIIT (high intensitiy interval training): Extremely short but full gas sprints of max. 6 seconds with 2 minutes rest in between. A total of 6 to 12 sprints. (boosts anabolic hormones)
    – Overall, no workout longer than 15 to 20 minutes and no cycling (too much of a catabolic effect)
    – Work less, surf more. Or translated for landlocked countries: less work, more hobby;)
  4. Monitoring progress
    Every morning, using HRV and LF / HF 3-minute test (SweetBeat App)

Obviously, my next chapter on the journey to my optimal self and faster cycling is opened…


Visit iTunes to download SweetBeat!

To read the original article and more from the Swiss Nutritioneer, visit his website!

Rene von Gunten is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the Nutritional Therapy Association and also holds a diploma in Nutritional Balancing Science from the Westbrook University. Rene is a graduate of the renowned mentorship program in functional medicine by Dr. Kalish.


Heart, Hugs and Electromagnetism

Magnet Ripples


Did you know that your heart generates a magnetic field that is measurable more than 5 feet away from you in all directions? This magnetic field is more than 5000 times the greater than the strength of the field generated by the brain.

Did you know that we humans are sensitive to even minute changes in the Earth’s electromagnetic field? Research by Dr. Valerie Hunt from UCLA demonstrates that when the electromagnetic field is decrease slightly, subjects could not balance their bodies and sensory feedback was substantially impaired. When the electromagnetic field was increased, the subject’s thinking became clear and coordination became heightened.

Many people know that the heart beats due to some sort of electrical impulse in the heart tissue. However the link between the electric and magnetic fields is often not considered. Nor is the fact that electromagnetic fields carry information (similar to cell phones or radio signals which carry voice or data information).

Electromagnetic fields interact and entangle with each other, similar to ripples in a pond that are created from a pebble on one hand and a falling leaf on the other. So our heart-generated magnetic field is interacting with anyone in our vicinity. The closer we are, the stronger the field.

Imagine the power in heart felt hugs where electromagnetic fields entangle. By simply intending it, we can encode love information onto our field. We heal ourselves, others and the planet by sending love and compassion through our heart during a hug.







HRV and Snowboarding by Lifestyle Magnet! [VIDEO]

Jono, also known as Lifestyle Magnet, is one of our SweetBeat users. He is a real quantified selfer! Read below to see how he has used his data to maximize his snowboarding experience.

Snowboarding and HRV

“In this video I want to show how I have been experimenting with HRV and Snowboarding. It is the beginning of the season and the muscles are not quite in shape yet. But, the excitement to be on the snow is at an all time high, as in MAJOR stoke! Using an app called Alpine Replay and the SweetBeat HRV app I was able to determine where I was on the slope in relation to what my HRV was doing. When I first looked at the session chart of my snowboarding session and noticed the up-and-down lines for my HRV, I immediately assumed that the bottom of each of the bumps was what corresponded with the bottom of each run. To me it made sense: the body is engaged physically as you descend the mountain and then you recover sitting on the chairlift on your way back up again. Your mood is also elevated as you go up on the lift in anticipation of the next run. However on closer inspection I notice that my HRV continues to get less, or go lower after the run is over. It only starts going up sometime on the chair lift ride back up to the top of the mountain. During the preparation time right before the run as I am adjusting my bindings, my HRV starts to drop and continues to drop throughout the run. What will be interesting will be to see if the speed of recovery changes as the season progresses and I get more in shape.”

Click here to watch the video!

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Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health & Life by Ben Greenfield

Download the free chapter now!!

Ben talks about his new book in the video, “How To Achieve Your Peak Performance Without Destroying Your Body.”

Download SweetBeat (see in the video at 1:55)!

About the Book: “You have amazing physical goals. You want the best body you can get. You want to look, feel, and perform like a champion.

So you beat up your body with tough training, day after day, week after week, month after month. As a result, you’re held back by frustrating issues like brain fog, broken gut, hormone depletion, heart problems, and damaged joints – limited to living at a fraction of your peak capacity and powerless to tap into your full potential and achieve your dreams – potentially destroying your brain, heart, gut and metabolism in the process.

But what if you could get an incredible physique, do an Ironman triathlon, compete in Crossfit, run a marathon, become a powerlifter, do extreme exercise, play any sport you want and achieve amazing feats of physical performance without destroying your body?

Now you can, with Ben Greenfield’s brand new book “Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health & Life“.

Contrary to popular belief, it truly is possible to be healthy on the outside, to look amazing, and even to compete in teeth-grittingly hard events like Ironman triathlons and Crossfit – and still be healthy on the inside too. And this book gives you every training, nutrition, and lifestyle solution you need to do it, including:

  • The 2 best ways to build endurance fast without destroying your body
  • Underground training tactics for maximizing workout efficiency
  • The best biohacks for enhancing mental performance and instantly entering the zone
  • How to know with laserlike accuracy whether your body has truly recovered
  • 26 ways to quickly recover from workouts, injuries and overtraining
  • The 25 most important blood and saliva biomarkers and how to test them
  • 5 essential elements of training that most athletes neglect
  • 7 stress-fighting weapons to make your mind-body connection bulletproof
  • Proven systems to enhance sleep, eliminate insomnia, and conquer jetlag
  • 40 high-calorie, nutrient-dense meals that won’t destroy your metabolism
  • Done-for-you tools to customize your carbs, proteins and fats for your unique body and goals
  • 9 ways to fix a broken gut, create toxin-free life, and detox your body
  • A complete system to safeguard your immune system and stomach
  • Potent time-efficiency tips for balancing training, work, travel, and family
  • Training and meal plans so that you easily and immediately implement everything you discover

Whether you’re a triathlete, marathoner, CrossFitter, swimmer, cyclist, ultrarunner, recreational athlete or any other extreme exercise or regular exercise enthusiast, this is the last system for training, endurance, health, and life you will ever need.”

Hacking Stress with HRV Sense and Ronda Collier – Bulletproof Executive Podcast

“Everything we can do to reduce stress in our lives will lead to great health.” – Ronda Collier

Stress is the new health epidemic only that it’s not new at all. Stress has influenced humans since we were running away from sabre-toothed tigers and living in caves. That same flight-or-fight response still powers our nervous system today – and many of us are not very good at managing it. But that is certainly changeable with generative feedback technology like the HRV Sense™ app. Ronda Collier from SweetWater Health, joins Bulletproof Radio for a second time to discuss the science of Heart Rate Variability and how monitoring it efficiently allows for peak performance and a healthier life! Learn about why the average person should care about HRV, how broccoli is used to qualify fractals, and why self-awareness is key to self-preservation.

Ronda Collier, B.S.E.E., M.A. Psychology holds more than 25 years of experience in high technology product development with a proven track record of delivering leading edge consumer electronic products within both privately held startups and Fortune 500 corporations. She has spent the last 3 years as an independent scholar researching non-invasive health monitoring techniques to improve overall personal well being. This research led to the founding of SweetWater Health, L.L.C. in 2010.

Watch the podcast!

Go to the Bulletproof Executive website – original article.

Go to the SweetWater Health website.

Download SweetBeatHRV Sense (same as SweetBeat) – Food Sense

HRV Talk: Debbie Potts interviews Ronda Collier on HRV testing – Fit Fat Fast Podcast

Enjoy this great podcast from Debbie Potts and Ronda Collier. For a brief overview, read below:

The Fit, Fat, Fast Podcast!

“Was it Socrates or Michael Jackson who said “Keep on with the force, don’t stop. Don’t stop ’til you get enough”?  Regardless, that’s the way Jon thinks about testing Heart Rate Variability.  You can’t get enough of it! You see, testing HRV might be one of the most accurate and powerful biofeedback devices you can do in the comfort and privacy of your own home.  HRV tells you so much about your autonomic nervous system which in turn tells you how your body is regulating heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, cortisol production and so much more.  Understanding your autonomic nervous system is key to understanding a whole host of health parameters and HRV is the window into that.  Debbie sits down in this episode to talk all about HRV testing with Rhonda Collier, founder of Sweetwater Health and the Sweetbeat App which is pretty much the industry standard for testing HRV.  There’s a ton of great information….enjoy!

To listen to the podcast, go to the Fit Fat Fast website!

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