Tag Archives: new paradigm

Look for Patterns in your Life

A short detour into the topic of quantum particles: they seem to move in random ways. However experiments show that the random movements create predictable wave-like patterns. Life may seem random sometimes, though when viewed from the 30,000-foot level, patterns are revealed. So rather than focusing on the outcome of events, we should be looking at the patterns in our lives. Take a look around, what patterns do you see?

What do you do that affects others?

When quantum particles were studied, it was discovered that we could know where they were OR how fast they were going, but not both at the same time. This is known as the Uncertainty Principle. It means that we can’t know everything in the universe. So much for the know-it-alls!

Einstein discovered that light is a particle. However, when we shine light through a prism, the light waves are separated into rainbow colors. Each color is a frequency of the light wave. So light and other quantum particles are both a particle and a wave!

Einstein could not accept this particle/wave duality of quantum particles so he devised a thought experiment to disprove it. This led to the discovery of “entanglement” which says you can’t talk about some particles without reference to another particle. When you touch one particle it immediately affects the other entangled particle. So what you do affects more than you know! What do you do that affects others?

We are All Connected

You may think quantum physics has nothing to do with your daily life—but it does. Many of us have heard of the “new paradigm”, but what does this really mean? The old paradigm views the universe as a machine that can be taken apart. Ironically, the continued dissection of matter into parts led to the discovery of quantum particles. These particles, which make up everything in the universe, do not act like a machine and cannot be taken apart. This forms the basis of the new paradigm; that the universe and everything in it is a connected whole. Are you living the new paradigm? Consider for a moment: how are you connected to the rainforest in Brazil?