Author Archives: sweetwaterhrv

What If Your SweetBeat Stress Level Is High Because of Coherence?

Many of you are using SweetBeat for one of its several useful functions (stress, heart rate variability [HRV] for training, food sensitivity testing, etc.). Many of you are using HeartMath technologies in conjunction with SweetBeat – which we fully support! The Sweetwater Health team and HeartMath are front leaders in the HRV movement and long-time partners.

emWave® technology is based on learning to change your heart rhythm pattern to create coherence; a scientifically measurable state characterized by increased order and harmony in our psychological and physiological processes.

“Personal coherence, also known as psychophysiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are. Stress levels recede, energy levels increase and our brain and what HeartMath calls the “heart brain” are working together. It is a state of optimal clarity, perception and performance.” – As defined in the HeartMath FAQs.

SweetBeat has three main components: HRV for Training, stress monitoring and food sensitivity testing. If your body goes into a state of coherence, it will have an effect on your stress monitoring.

Below are some tips on how to understand your SweetBeat numbers:

  • There are industry standards for low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) ranges

–     LF = 0.04hz – 0.15hz

–     HF = 0.15hz – 0.4hz

  • Coherence is associated with a “spike” at 0.1hz frequency (LF)
  • The SweetBeat stress levels are associated with a high LF with respect to HF (high LF/HF ratio). Because coherence is associated with a high power spike at 0.1hz, which falls into the HRV definition of LF, coherence shows as high stress in SweetBeat.

Here is an example of a coherence spike at 0.1hz:


  • Very high power in the LF range (0.04hz – 0.15hz; blue) and little to no power in the HF range (0.15hz – 0.4hz; red). This is coherent data represented in Kubios

This is what a SweetBeat “Heart Rate Graph” looks like during coherence:


If you haven’t already, download SweetBeat and start quantifying! Compatible heart rate monitor required for stress management and HRV for training.

Please email with any additional questions.

Ronda Collier on Heart Rate Variability, the hidden causes of weight gain and “falling off the wagon”: A podcast with Howard Jacobson

Below is an excerpt from Howard Jacobson’s blog post and podcast with Sweetwater Health CEO and co-founder, Ronda Collier.

“Sweetbeat measures heart rate variability (HRV), which turns out to be a very good proxyfor the body’s resilience and health.

In this interview, Ronda explains how a low HRV can lead to weight gain even when eating right and exercising, how HRV is measured, and how we can increase HRV, reduce low-level inflammation, and bring ourselves back into balance.”

Listen to the podcast on Howie’s blog.

The podcast can be found below the screenshot of SweetBeat. >>

Download SweetBeat on iTunes!




Heart Rate Variability: A Guide to Effectively Using HRV for Training and Health with SweetWater Health’s Ronda Collier – Podcast by Tawnee Prazak

Below is a short explanation of the podcast and a link to listen!

“Expert Ronda Collier, CEO and co-founder of SweetWater Health and the SweetBeat app, joins the show to give a detailed chat on heart rate variability (HRV) and how to understand it, use it for training, use it to monitor and lower stress and more. On the show we explain what HRV actually is and what it measures, including details on the nervous system, the components of HRV and stress including high-frequency waves, low-frequency waves, rMSSD, and how to make sense of and interpret those. We also discuss what numbers are “good” and “bad” and what you want to see based on age/gender, when to measure HRV, how athletes can use it for their training programs, stress vs. HRV on the SweetBeat app, psychological components to HRV, other HRV apps available what you need to get started with HRV, and much more including a couple specific questions from listeners.”

To listen to Tawnee’s full podcast, click here.

Download SweetBeat and use HRV for Training, now!

How to interpret your SweetBeat HRV session by Ronda Collier

Please enjoy the following interpretations of SweetBeat’s heart rate variability (HRV) for training, along with explanations of average power levels and HRV age.

Important points to remember:

  • HRV can vary greatly from person to person depending on health and fitness
  • HRV can vary greatly for an individual from day to day and even hour to hour
  • While there are “average HRV values” determined through clinical research, HRV is dynamic and individuals will tend to have their own range
  • Scroll down to see charts of “average HRV values” from some research papers
  • Some athletes have HRV values that are magnitudes higher than average persons
  • SweetBeat is about understanding and managing the nervous system and not intended to diagnose anything. If you feel your HRV is “low” see your doctor
  • Athletes use HRV to guide training
  • As seen on the next 2 charts, HRV power levels vary quite a bit
  • The elite athlete has LF and HF power that are orders of magnitude higher than average
  • Don’t be alarmed if your HRV values are closer to average



Values based on 24 hour measurements
HRV represents rMSSD scaled to a value between 0 – 100 and is SweetBeat specific
Source for Average LF/HF:
Values based on 5 minute measurements

To download SweetBeat on iTunes, click here.

Food Choices, Willpower & Sugar Cravings, with Michael Fishman – Podcast by the Bulletproof Executive

This is the 58th podcast by the Bulletproof Executive with guest speaker Michael Fishman. Scroll to the bottom for a link to the article, which includes the podcast.

#58 Food Choices, Willpower & Sugar Cravings, with Michael Fishman – Podcast“Take control of your food choices, understand your willpower, and combat sugar cravings by listening to this episode with expert health marketing advisor, Michael Fishman. You will hear how Michael radically changed his diet to be a healthier, more in control and happier version of himself, and how you can do that too.

Michael Fishman is a leading advisor on marketing, positioning and strategy for health, wellness and personal development businesses and personalities such as Rodale’s Prevention and Men’s Health publishing brands, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Dean Ornish and many others.chs

Michael is also a highly sought after speaker on how marketing language, customer care and work culture combine to take companies from merely good to the beloved best at what they do. He created the  annual Consumer Health Summit, which is the preeminent invitational forum for CEOs, entrepreneurs and marketing leaders in health and wellness. He is also a co-founder of BehaviorCon, a conference on marketing behaviorconand consumer psychology.

What You Will Hear

  • 2:05 Michael’s radical diet change
  • 3:00 Choices vs. Restrictions
  • 5:30 How food choices convert to personal confidence
  • 6:00 Take control of your diet, and, in turn, your life
  • 6:50 “I can’t” vs. “I don’t” – specific language in food psychology
  • 9:00 How Michael destroyed his sugar cravings
  • 9:45 Willpower and how to always have it
  • 12:00 The relationship between long-term goals and empowered willpower
  • 12:55 How to shop Bulletproof at Whole Foods
  • 14:10 Michael’s take on the “4-hour body cheat day”
  • 15:30 Dave’s experience with the “cheat day”
  • 16:20 How Dave resets his food cravings
  • 18:30 Feeling Bulletproof vs. eating “cheat foods”
  • 19:00 The reality of sugar
  • 20:20 Psychology recommendations to begin a better diet
  • 21:30 Dave’s food recon in homes
  • 22:35 The cost of quality food, wellbeing, attitude, and income
  • 24:30 What happens after you eat processed foods?
  • 25:00 A vision without Oreos
  • 26:45 Dave, Men’s Health, and conflicts of interest
  • 27:45 How to stay informed & overcome “Big Food” marketing
  • 28:30 What to avoid in the grocery
  • 30:10 Ranch dressing in Whole Foods
  • 31:15 Is the use of “organic” on consumer labels fair?
  • 32:30 What is the gap between knowing good food practices & applying these practices?
  • 34:30 Personal control and food psychology
  • 36:00 How assumptions may hurt your psychology
  • 38:30 The associations created by food marketers & how to make more informed food decisions
  • 40:30 Top 3 recommendations to be more Bulletproof”

Read the full article, “#58 Food Choices, Willpower & Sugar Cravings

Download the Bulletproof Food Sense App for free now!

How to Detox Your Home – Guest Blog by Ben GreenField

How To Protect Your Body From The 10 Hidden Killers In  Your Home.

how to detox your home

Welcome to Chapter 18 of Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health & Life, in which you’re going to discover how to protect your body from  the 10 hidden killers in your home.

Home is where your heart is.

And if you’re anything like me, your home is also one place – aside from  gyms, roads and parks – where you probably spend a significant amount of time  sweating and sculpting your body. But wouldn’t it be a real pity if you were  turning your body into a chemical wasteland in the process?

The fact is, you can’t do much about the diesel exhaust getting piped out the  backside of the trucks that drive besides the roads you run or bicycle on, the  chemical-laden disinfectants that gets sprayed on the treadmills and exercise  equipment at the gym, or the pesticides and herbicides that litter the grass at  a public park.

However, in the same way that you have complete control of what kind of foods and chemicals  you put into your body, you do have control over how healthy – or unhealthy  – your home is. You also have  control over how well equipped your body is  to handle potentially toxic environments, such as gyms, roads and  parks.

So today’s chapter marks our journey into Part 5 of the book – the  “Lifestyle section”. In addition to discovering how to detox your home, over the  next several chapters, you’ll also learn:

-How to “equip” your home so that you can  stay naturally physically active throughout day – rather than sedentary with  unnatural exercise micro-doses…

-Time saving tips for to combining a daily  commute and training, managing training with kids and family obligations, and  getting more done in less time…

-Other lifestyle hacks that can free up lots  of time, including food prep methods, combining workouts, and other cutting-edge  productivity strategies such as utilizing virtual assistants, e-mail filtration  systems, and everything else that I personally do to free up as much time as  possible during the day…

As usual, leave your questions, comments and feedback below this  chapter – and also let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see addressed  that I may have left out!


household chemicalsWhy  You Need To Protect Your Body

You’ve learned how to clean your gut, clean your liver, and do a detox to  eliminate internal toxins from your body, but how much consideration have  you given to the toxins, pollutants, chemicals, heavy metals and hidden killers  that aren’t inside your body, but are outside your body?

In other words…

When you’re cranking out push-ups in your living room, have you ever  thought about what kind of carpet you’re shoving your nose into?

When you’re doing the cold thermogenesis showers you learned about in Chapter 4, have you ever considered what  compounds your skin might be soaking up from the water?

And as you’re sitting here right now reading this chapter, do you know  how many spectrums of electromagnetic frequencies are bombarding and radiating  your body from smartphones, e-readers, and computers?

The fact is, the average home contains 500-1,000 chemicals, ten times more  electrical pollution than 40 years ago and an untold number of mold, mites,  fungi, spores, pollen and other “bioaerosols”. Most of this stuff you are  completely unable to see, smell or taste, but just because you can’t sense it  doesn’t mean it won’t leave you struggling with brain fog, an afternoon  headache, a crappy night’s sleep, or a horrible workout.

So let’s learn what you can do about it.

Find out what some of the major ones are and see how Ben suggests dealing with them! Click here for the full article.

Download SweetBeat on iTunes now!

Why Yogurt and Probiotics Make You Fat and Foggy – Guest Blog by the Bulletproof Executive

Why Yogurt and Probiotics Make You Fat and FoggyThis is a small excerpt from the original article, “Why Yogurt and Probiotics Make You Fat and Foggy,” by the Bulletproof Executive. Read on to learn, “3 Ways to a Healthy Gut Biome and Reduce Histamine Intolerance.”

#1) Follow the Bulletproof Diet to heal your gut:

Eat a low histamine, anti-inflammatory diet like the Bulletproof® Diet
as the primary way to protect your gut and reduce histamine intolerance. Eating prebiotic foods that selectively stimulate the growth of good bacteria in your gut is also helpful. Prebiotic foods in the ‘green portions’ of the Bulletproof diet include: Jerusalem artichoke, avocados, and vegetables high in soluble fiber like sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and turnips. Onions are in the yellow zone because of what they do to alpha brain waves, but they also have prebiotics in them.

Self-tracking tools like the Bulletproof Food Sense App
help to detect physiological responses to foods you are sensitive too that may be due to excess histamine concentration. Although histamine intolerance can be difficult to diagnose, one of the common symptoms is an elevated heart rate. Using the Food Sense App after meals (as instructed) will use the iPhone’s camera sensor to measure your heart rate and compare it to your baseline heart rate. If there was an increase of more than 16 beats per minute, then this signifies a food sensitivity and helps you zoom in on gut wrecking or histamine-rich foods.

#2) Reduce histamine producing bacteria

Avoid histamine producing bacteria like Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus reuteri, and Lactobacillus bulgaricus that are mostly commonly found in the majority of yogurts and fermented foods, especially when they are not balanced by other species. Rampant unbalanced focus on lactobacillus in yogurt has led to this problem.

#3) Increase histamine degrading bacteria

Finding ways to get more histamine degrading bacteria into your diet can be difficult, but is great for gut health and key to reducing histamine intolerance. High phenol foods like blueberries, coffee, and chocolate can feed a type of gut bacteria called firmacutes.

My favorite (best tasting) source of balanced bacteria is a yogurt-like product, called Amasi, that contains 30 carefully controlled strains of bacteria. Traditionally, Amasi is the renowned drink of the Masai warrior tribes in Northern Tanzania and Kenya and is known for its rich variety of beneficial bacteria and highly bioavailable nutrients.

As you might have heard on podcast episode #47 with Jordan Rubin, founder of Beyond Organic and creator of Amasi, he replicated the Masai tribes’ production system to produce Amasi from grass fed, antibiotic free, cow’s milk. Rubin even went to the extent to make sure he used the same genetic breed of the Masai’s cows to assure they have non-inflammatory kind of casein (Beta casein A2).

The fermentation of the Amasi is influenced by key histamine degrading bacteria: Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifdocaterium lactis, and Bifidobacterium longum.13,14 These particular strains not only lower histamine levels, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion, but Amasi as a whole food helps improve absorption of specific nutrients such as vitamin B6, B2, and K, folic acid, niacon, and zinc.

MLM alert – Beyond Organic, the creator of Amasi, is a multilevel marketing company. I despise that business model because it usually victimizes needy people, and it leads to low quality or high prices. Long discussions with Jordan and an evaluation of his standards and pricing lead me to believe that Beyond Organic is not out to victimize people and is charging a fair price for impossibly high quality dairy. I did not decide to mention a MLM company lightly and did so after great diligence. If you don’t like it that I’ve made this decision, I invite you either accept it or unsubscribe. It is a decision made with integrity.

Beyond Organic has gone to great lengths to do everything right in creating a truly transformative dairy product. I have never seen anything like it and Amasi is the only yogurt-like food my body has been able to digest flawlessly, and it tastes great! Amasi is a great way to allow a little bit of yogurt into your life and still feel perfectly normal afterwards.

This is why I worked with Beyond Organic to create customized Bulletproof packs at a special discounted rate for the Bulletproof Community to try these incredible products yourselves. The Bulletproof® Packs
were personally crafted to include an assortment of Bulletproof approved foods and beverages that will help upgrade your gut health and mental performance, including: Amasi, Omega powder, grass-fed low histamine beef jerky, almonds, and herbs.

Download the Bulletproof Food Sense App for free now!